Globalisation of culture Cartoon
Friday, August 8, 2008

This is an image depicting the effects of globalisation upon our culture. It can be seen from the image that the Earth is popping out of the menu the man is holding, just like a jack-in-the-box, and in the two trays that it holds, the labels are "ethnic" and "food". The Earth represents globalisation and from the trays it can be deduced that the menu offers a whole selection of food from different cultures to a person who may not even know them. What the picture is trying to show is that how globalisation can allow someone to taste some other culture's food and hence allowing different nations to mix. This shows with globalisation, local consumer goods (for this case, it would be food) are spread throughout other different countries allowing different cultures to get a feel of what other cultures are like. This allows different cultures to mix together and get to know one another better and understand each culture's values and respect them. As a result of this better understanding and respect for each other's culture, conflicts would be reduced since peace would be promoted among different cultures. As a result, we will see less of wars and riots in the near future due to globalisation.


Picture taken from

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

The Travellers
Dong Ying
Huang Can

Eternity in an hour

Codes: Dynamic Drive
Layout: Credits to kaifengxDD